Industrial uses of lead pdf

It is used in ammunition shot and bullets and as a constituent of solder, type metal, bearing alloys, fusible alloys, and pewter. Lead is used to make bearings, solder, antifriction metals, and type metal. Barium compounds, such as bariumnickel alloys are used for. Ferrous metals are used in the production of steel. Lead consumption increased the least during the period, about one and a half times. Lead is used as solder for electronics, but for safety reasons attempts are being made to replace lead solder with bismuth. Then, the reason for manufacturing of lead as an industrial product with larger scale is to obtain silver. Apart from the above, there are also other miscellaneous uses of lead.

The romans used lead on a largescale for plumbing, tank lining and domestic articles such as cooking pots and tableware, and also in glasses and glazes on pottery. In poorly maintained buildings the lead paint flakes and peels off and can then be inhaled. The use of lead solder and other lead containing materials in connecting household plumbing to public water supplies was banned by epa in june of 1988. In metallurgy, for example, a heavy metal may be defined on the basis of density, whereas in physics the distinguishing criterion might be atomic number, while a chemist would likely be. Lead also can be emitted into the air from motor vehicles and industrial sources, and lead can enter drinking water from plumbing materials.

Safety and health topics lead occupational safety and. Applications of lead examples of lead use have been known for thousands of years. Leadbased paint is present in many homes built before 1978. Epa leadbased paint program frequent questions march 22. Use of ammunition with lead bullets, which are commonly used in sport shooting with small arms. The certain lead compounds are used as indistinguishable from primary lead usa is by far the greatest consumer, paint pigments. The amazing uses of lead that make it a versatile metal. It is used to produce batteries, ammunition, metal products like solder and pipes, and xray shielding devices. Imported food products are sold in ethnic markets, at swap meets, and by doortodoor vendors.

The industrial lead exposures are mainly due to the particulates generated by coal burning and roasting of minerals i. Lead can also be sourced from dust particle contamination as a result of land clearing by fire for farming and planting purposes and from the materials used as roof to collect and store rainwater. Heavy metals are generally defined as metals with relatively high densities, atomic weights, or atomic numbers. Many older structures, however, still have lead pipe or lead soldered plumbing internally, which may substantially increase the lead content of water at the tap. The romans produced an average of 60,000 tonnes of lead a year for 400 years. Lead is a natural metal that is available in quite an abundance, which means that it is used.

It is important to distinguish between the clinical. Imported food products may contain lead as some foreign manufactures use lead solder in cans. This metal is also used for making lead accumulators. Lead was initially used in paint and ornaments of goods. Lead was also widely used for joining masonry, by pouring molten led into the joints themselves, or around iron or bronze clamps for extra strength. Soft solders are largely leadtin alloys with or without antimony while fusible alloys are various combinations of lead, tin, bismuth, cadmium and other low melting point metals. Lead can be found in all parts of our environment the air, the soil, the water, and even inside our homes. Lead is used for roofing, for making water and gas pipes, and for sheathing cables because of its resistance to corrosion, its flexibility, low melting point and cheapness. These batteries have a negative and a positive terminal on their top or sides along with vent caps on their top. Lead is a toxic metal that was used for many years in products found in and around our homes. Perhaps one of its best known applications is its use in the superaccurate atomic cesium clock that is used as a. They used lead compounds for glazing pottery, and metallic lead for cooking utensils and piping.

A large proportion of the lead used today serves the automobile industry in components such as storage batteries, radiators and solder for joints. Lead is most often used in the manufacturing sector e. Welcome to industrial and systems engineering isye, the newest department within the university of minnesotas college of science and engineering. Lead also represented chemically as pb, was first mined in the first century a. Early uses of lead included building materials, pigments for glazing ceramics, and pipes for transporting water. Lead acid batteries are called secondary batteries or accumulators since they are rechargeable. Exemption of lead oxides used in manufacture of piezo. Lead metal also is commonly used for ammunition, cable covering, piping, brass and bronze, bearing metals for machinery, and sheet lead atsdr 1999. Home industrial and systems engineering college of.

It is used for making bullets, pb shots and weights because of its high density. They again can be divided into starter and industrial batteries. Safety and health topics cadmium occupational safety. The castles and cathedrals of europe contain considerable quantities of lead in decorative fixtures, roofs, pipes, and windows. Lead acetate is used as a water repellent, for mildew protection, and as a. Lead is an important metal for many types of businesses and industrial processes. Lead is an important part of chemical tank liners and of radiation shields in telephone and power cable conduit.

Fundamentals of the recycling of lead acid batteries. Lead use has continued to grow and, in recent times, has risen from 4 million tonnes per. It is utilized to form glazing bars for stained glass or other multilit windows. Nriagu, 1983, pulsifer, 1888 for more ordinary applications, wire or bands of lead metal were used to provide reinforcement, for example, for large amphorae used to store water and wine. In silver mining enterprises, lead is obtained as a byproduct. Lead poisoning resulting from exposure to lead is not a new issue. Effects of heavy metals on human health manju mahurpawar govt. Therefore, most old houses or buildings will contain some lead based paint. Isye faculty and students are deeply engaged in helping organizations make smarter, more costeffective decisions.

Role of the laboratory laboratories measure lead concentrations in either clinical samples such as blood and urine or in environmental samples such as paint and dust. Unless a regulation restricts all uses of lead additives in paints then there is no realistic way to ensure that industrial coatings will not be used in homes, schools, or hospitals. Starter and industrial batteries are used to provide large quantities of energy e. Fueled by the gamechanging use of steam power, the industrial revolution began in britain and spread to the rest of the world, including the united states, by the 1830s and 40s. Pb is used in making alloys such as type metal, pewter and plumbers solder. It can also be used to create statues and sculptures. Abstract some heavy metals have bioimportance as trace elements but the biotoxic effects of many of them in human biochemistry are of great concern. Pdf 7 mineral carbonation and industrial uses of carbon. Lead is also used extensively in weighting applications. It is commonly used in construction for roofing materials. Common industrial uses for cadmium today are in batteries, alloys, coatings electroplating, solar cells, plastic stabilizers, and pigments. Lead, and alloys rich in lead, have been used for millenia in the form of weights, figures, and coins. The domestic lead exposures come mainly from cooking by use of the solid fuels i. Work involving renovation, repair and painting rrp lead based paints were widely available and used.

Lead is a very corrosionresistant, dense, ductile, and malleable bluegray metal that has been used for at least 5,000 years. They also used to boil and condense grape juice in lead pots for preserving and sweetening of wine. Lead alloys leadtin solder is widely used, particularly by the electronics industry. Cadmium became an important metal in the production of nickelcadmium nicd rechargeable batteries and as a sacrificial corrosionprotection coating for iron and steel. Contents 4 thermal heatprocess heat and fields of application 5 water and steam as heat carriers 6 design of an industrial boiler 7 how an industrial boiler system works 8 the use of boiler systems in practice 10 bosch industriekessel 2 industrial boiler technology for beginners. Since 1923 with a brief interruption in 1925 the u. Lead is also used for the lining of chemical treatment baths, acid plants and storage vessels. Lead solder is no longer used in the processing of canned foods in the united states, therefore, lead in food has been dramatically reduced. All of the major soluble lead compounds have industrial uses. Epa leadbased paint program frequent questions march. The criteria used, and whether metalloids are included, vary depending on the author and context.

Furniture, toys, and other consumer products can be coated with industrial paints because even today these applications are not regulated in most. Lead and lead compounds national toxicology program. Lead is used in a variety of consumer and manufacturing products, including ammunition, batteries, plastics, tank liners, pesticides and some metal alloys. Much of our exposure comes from human activities including the use of fossil fuels including past use of leaded gasoline, some types of industrial facilities, and past use of lead based paint in homes.

Some of the other beneficial uses for lead have been listed below. Alloys formed with tin, copper, arsenic, antimony, bismuth, cadmium, and sodium are all of industrial importance. Lead based paint is present in many homes built before 1978. Though, many products no longer use the element in hope to reduce amount of it in the environment. In heavy and industrial machinery, sheets and other parts made from lead compounds may be used to dampen noise and vibration. Safety with lead at work health and safety authority. Various processes for removal of lead are greatly used like adsorption, ion exchange, reverse osmosis, precipitation and elctrodialysis, but adsorption is by far the most versatile and widely used method 4. Thus, cesium is used in television image devices, nightvision equipment, solar photovoltaic cells, and other types of photoelectric cells. Properties of lead for radiation shielding the properties of lead which make it an excellent shielding material are its density, high atomic number, high level of stability, ease of fabrication, high degree of flexibility in application, and its. In india, the gini coefficient of household consumption expenditure fell in the 1950s as a result of. Industrial development and economic growth 299 tion in overall poverty in the 19812001 period. Some alternatives are available, and are used in situations where lead poses a particular risk to wildlife, especially to birds, as a result of ingestion. Its use was widespread in ancient assyria, from around 2000bc, with lead animal heads being used as currency.

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